Casio fx-7400G Plus Graphing calculator

General specifications
Type Graphing calculator
Production years 1999 - -
New price -
Operating system n.a.
Chipset/CPU -
I/O -
Performance index 0
Entry method Unknown
Precision digits
Advanced functions

Forensic result 9.00000000733343

Graphing calculator: Casio fx-7400G Plus
Programming model Unknown
Programming features

Program display Unknown
Program editing Unknown
Programming 32 kB
Data 32 kB
Secondary 0
Type LCD
Size pixels
L×W×H ×× mm
Weight g
Batteries 2×AAA
External power -
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There are 2 versions of this calculator: the fx-7400G PLUS made in 1999 and the fx-7400G PLUS-GY made in 2004.
Funcional the calculators are the same, but the outside has been fully redisgned. The 4 function keys, the G<->T key and the right arrow now have oval shapes. The fx-7400 doesn't have the functions of its bigger siblings like the 9750, 9850 and so on but it does have one unique feature: battery life: 1500 hours on a single pair of batteries, pretty decent for a graphic calculator. And it only requires 2 instead of the usual 4 batteries.
(Thanks to Julio for the supplied information)

An image of the later model is available at the bottom of this page.


Graphing calculator: Casio fx-7400G Plus

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This page was last modified on June 11th, 2009

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3 Responses so far

To do anything useful, you'll need Casio software. Should probably be available at the Casio website.
October 1st, 2009
If I want to connect it to my pc, I need a software? or just with the adaptator.
September 30th, 2009
There are 2 versions of this calculator, the above shown is the fx-7400G PLUS made in 1999, the other is the fx-7400G PLUS-GY made in 2004, same functions but fully redisgned outside (F's, g-t and right arrow has oval shape, same directional key shape and mouth-oval shaped the rest of keys), doesn't have the functions of bigger models like 9750, 9850 and so on but win in unique features: one is authonomy, 1500 hours is a decent amount for a graphic calculator, 2 batteries instead of 4, simplification of fractions, integer division, pie charts, etc. Got a GY and I'm proud of it
June 11th, 2009