The latest CASIO's graphic calculator is called the ALGEBRA FX 2.0. It's capable of doing some symbolic manipulations unlike the CFX series (excluding CFX-9970G) which is the best about it. It's got something called tutorial that's supposed to teach students how to solve some basic algebraic equations step-by-step, but soon you'll find it useless. It has all the other basic functions like the Matrix operations, Lists and Statistics, Graphing, Dynamic Graphing, Recursion and Equations.
This is the greatest thing about this calculator, since it's got 768 Kbytes of flash ROM, there are multiple files that can be downloaded to the FX 2.0 using the PC-Link (available at the CASIO site) that adds new capabilities to the calculator like solving Differential equations, new Statistics operations, Financial operations and so.
The good news is that people found that they could make programs or games using the assembly language or the C-language (or anything that's supported by a 286 processor) and it can be downloaded to the FX 2.0. One of the examples is the French programmer Lionel Baduob, he's programmed Box World, Mine Sweeper and PAC-MAN. Of course there are many many other add-ins done by CASIO lovers.
As for me, I'm using a program that's called CALipSO to convert .exe files programmed by C to the .cfx that can be downloaded by CASIO add-in installer. All documentation and support for this program can be found on the Casio Elite site.
Hidden menus
The calculator has got two hidden menus.
Service Menu
Accessable by pressing F6+ ab/c + AC/ON, you can exit by choosing 0 (RESET) then NO to clearing memories.
Memory Menu
Accessable by pressing F1 + -> + AC/ON.
You could receive from a CFX-9xxx by pressing F4+F5+F6 in the link mode.
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This page was last modified on December 17th, 2008