Calculator types

Calculators on this site have been categorized. Below is a short description of the different categories used.

BASIC programmable calculator

These calculators are programmable in BASIC and sometimes also in C, Assembler or other. Calculations can often be entered as BASIC expressions and many calculators of this type have a mode in which they are entered algebraically.

Calculator (non-programmable)

These are the basic household calculators.

Calculator (unknown type)

For these calculators I have not been able to determine a proper type.

Desktop calculator

Desktop calculators are not covered on this site.

Financial programmable calculator

These calculators have functions targeting the financial market. They are also revered to as business calculators.

Flight computer

These calculators have functions for aviation and navigation. Most of them are not programmable.

Graphing calculator

Graphing calculators have functions for displaying mathematical problems in a graphical manner.


Organisers, or PDA (Personal Digital Assistants) are mainly used to store data like addresses and appointments. Some have quite advanced calculator functions, most however have only modest skills in this department.


These are not calculators, but printers...

Scientific programmable calculator

These calculators have functions targeted at scientists. They are often used for educational purposes.

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Programmable Calculator Forum »

2 Responses so far

Hello I have a calculator here, but don't have the right picture online... Its called Atari "12 digit laptop folding calculator and on the side of the box its call ELEKTRONENRECHNER.. thank you I hope you can help me if this right one....
March 24th, 2010
sharp pocket computer pc 1403h32kb
January 30th, 2010