Casio fx-9700GE Graphing calculator

General specifications
Type Graphing calculator
Production years 1994 - -
New price -
Operating system n.a.
Chipset/CPU -
I/O -
Performance index 0
Entry method Unknown
Precision digits
Advanced functions

Forensic result -

Graphing calculator: Casio fx-9700GE
Programming model Unknown
Programming features

Program display Unknown
Program editing Unknown
Programming 0
Data 0
Secondary 0
Type LCD
Size pixels
L×W×H ×× mm
Weight g
Batteries 4×AAA + 1×CR2032
External power -
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This calculator (as do many other Casio scientific calculators) uses one and the same key for both the constant π as well as exponents. This works as follows. When you first enter digits, the "EXP"-key will enable you to enter the numbers exponent, otherwise it will enter the constant π.

This calculator however makes excellent use of the possibilities of a graphical display and a more modern user interface. First steps towards a newer and better user interface can be seen in the earlier Casio fx-8700G. The Casio fx-9700GE has some refinements. When the calculator is switched on, an "icon menu" shows the available calculation modes. The "PRE"-key is replaced by an "EXIT"-key; every calculation mode has a "SET UP" screen where its behaviour can be changed. Specific modules such as the built-in text editor can be stopped using the "QUIT" function.

Functionally this calculator is quite nice as well. I especially like the Table function, where any particular function can be viewed in a table for a defined range of input values. Especially nice is the Table function for recursive functions (see the implemtation of (n+1)! on the right). A very nice function to play with and study any particular recursive function definition.

Very nice as well are dynamic graphs, where the effect of changing one variable in a function can be displayed graphically.


Graphing calculator: Casio fx-9700GE

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This page was last modified on February 6th, 2009

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