Texas Instruments TI-95 Scientific programmable calculator

General specifications
Type Scientific programmable calculator
Production years 1986 - -
New price USD 100
Operating system n.a.
Chipset/CPU 8-bit CMOS (TMC70011)
I/O I/O port, expansion port
Performance index 0
Entry method Algebraic with precedence
Precision 13 digits
Advanced functions

Forensic result 8.999999738296

Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-95
Programming model Keystroke entry
Programming features

Program display Mnemonic
Program editing Insert/delete capability
Programming 1000 program steps
Data 250 numbers
ROM 32 kB
Functions + - × ÷
Type LCD
Size 16 + 5×3 characters
L×W×H 202×94×26 mm
Weight 453 g
Batteries 4×AAA
External power via optional printer
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Full name is Texas Instruments TI-95 PROCALC. Allthough the landscape dimensions suggest otherwise, this is actually a keystroke programmable calculator. And it's another of those Texas Instruments engineering tools. It comes with an industry strength plasic cover and quick-reference card. And the keyboard feels really solid and is nice to use.


Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-95

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This page was last modified on January 14th, 2008

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4 Responses so far

I have owned a ti-95 procalc w/8K RAM cartridge since
1987. Ihave recently lost memory in ram. Do you have instructions on programing the ram?
thanks, Bill
Bill Bowman
April 22nd, 2010

I own #0001537.looking for wat to reprogram,lost memory.
any ideas?
February 19th, 2009
Hi Ryan,

I checked, I own #0003871. Thanks for the comment!
August 15th, 2008
I have #0002533. My dad thought it was a good gift when I was 6. I probably spent 1000 hours on it trying to figure it out. It was strangely fun to try to make do something new, that I had never seen it do before even when I did not understand many of the math functions.
Ryan Mandau
August 9th, 2008