Texas Instruments calculators

Texas Instruments is 'the other' large calculator manufacturer of the United States, next to Hewlett-Packard. And I think they are underrated by many collectors. In the haydays of pocket computing devices, the '70s and '80s of the previous century, HP sure did make some outstanding tools. But after that, in my optinion, TI took the lead and hasn't let go since. Models like the TI-89 and TI-92 are simply outstanding pieces of engineering.

And don't forget the TI-59, from 1977. With its almost 1000 programming steps and 100 numbers of memory it was a true beast back then. Adding the PC100 printer/docking station, you had a serious computer on your desk.

The list of Texas Instruments calculators is sorted chronological from oldest to newest.

  Brand/model Type Prog. model Display Memory
No image availableBA-54Scientific programmable calculatorKeystroke entryLCD
8(5+2) digits
40 program steps (5 numbers)
No image availableBA-55Scientific programmable calculatorKeystroke entryLCD
8(5+2) digits
40 program steps (5 numbers)
No image availableMBAScientific programmable calculatorKeystroke entryLED
10(8+2) digits
32 program steps (10 numbers)
No image availableTI-57 LCDScientific programmable calculatorFully-merged keystroke entryLCD
8+2 digits
49 program steps (7 numbers)
No image availableTI-57 LCD Constant MemoryScientific programmable calculatorFully-merged keystroke entryLCD
8+2 digits
49 program steps (7 numbers)
No image availableTI-60Scientific programmable calculatorKeystroke entryLCD
10(7+2) digits
84 program steps (12 numbers)
No image availableTI-60XScientific programmable calculatorFormula programmingLCD
12 characters
96 program steps (12 numbers)
No image availableTI-64Calculator (unknown type) UnknownLCD
0 (0 )
No image availableTI-67 GalaxyScientific programmable calculatorFormula programmingLCD
12 characters
1536 bytes (1536 bytes)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-73TI-73Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
96×64 pixels
28 kB (28 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-80TI-80Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
64×48 pixels
7 kB (7 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-82TI-82Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
96×64 pixels
28 kB (28 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-85TI-85Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
96×64 pixels
28 kB (28 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-86TI-86Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
96×64 pixels
96 kB (96 kB)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-88TI-88Scientific programmable calculatorKeystroke entryLCD
16 characters
960 program steps (120 numbers)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-89TI-89Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
160×100 pixels
192 kB (192 kB)
No image availableSR-52Scientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLED
10+2 digits
224 program steps (60 numbers)
No image availableSR-56Scientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLED
10+2 digits
100 program steps (10 numbers)
No image availableTI-51Scientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLED
8+2 digits
32 program steps (10 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-51-IIITI-51-IIIScientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLED
8+2 digits
32 program steps (10 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-58TI-58Scientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLED
10(8+2) digits
480 program steps (60 numbers)
Flight computer: Texas Instruments TI-58 HarrierTI-58 HarrierFlight computerPartially merged keystrokeLED
10(8+2) digits
480 program steps (60 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-59TI-59Scientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLED
10(8+2) digits
960 program steps (100 numbers)
No image availableTI-42 MBAFinancial programmable calculatorKeystroke entryLED
10(8+2) digits
32 program steps (10 numbers)
No image availableTI-53Scientific programmable calculatorKeystroke entryLCD
8(5+2) digits
32 program steps (1 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-58CTI-58CScientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLED
10(8+2) digits
480 (60 numbers)
Calculator (non-programmable): Texas Instruments TI-45TI-45Calculator (non-programmable)Not applicableVFD
8 digits
(1 numbers)
No image availableTI-55Scientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLED
8+2 digits
32 program steps (10 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-55-IITI-55-IIScientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLCD
8+2 digits
56 program steps (8 numbers)
No image availableTI-57Scientific programmable calculatorFully-merged keystroke entryLED
8+2 digits
50 program steps (8 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-66TI-66Scientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLCD
10(8+2) digits
512 program steps (64 numbers)
BASIC programmable calculator: Texas Instruments CC-40CC-40BASIC programmable calculatorBASIC and AssemblerLCD
31 characters
8 kB (8 kB)
Printer: Texas Instruments PC-324PC-324PrinterNot applicable Unknown
( )
No image availableTI-55-IIIScientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLCD
8+2 digits
56 program steps (8 numbers)
No image availableTI-57 IIScientific programmable calculatorFully-merged keystroke entryLCD
8+2 digits
49 program steps (7 numbers)
BASIC programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-74TI-74BASIC programmable calculatorBASICLCD
31 characters
8 kB (8 kB)
BASIC programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-74STI-74SBASIC programmable calculatorBASICLCD
31 characters
8 kB (8 kB)
No image availableTI-56Scientific programmable calculatorPartially merged keystrokeLCD
8+2 digits
56 program steps (8 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-62 GalaxyTI-62 GalaxyScientific programmable calculatorFully-merged keystroke entryLCD
10+2 digits
112 program steps (10 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-95TI-95Scientific programmable calculatorKeystroke entryLCD
16 + 5×3 characters
1000 program steps (250 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-65TI-65Scientific programmable calculatorFully-merged keystroke entryLCD
10+2 digits
112 program steps (16 numbers)
Scientific programmable calculator: Texas Instruments TI-68TI-68Scientific programmable calculatorFormula programmingLCD
12 characters
440 program steps (55 numbers)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-81TI-81Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
96×64 pixels
2400 bytes (2400 bytes)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-92TI-92Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
240×120 pixels
64 kB (64 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-83TI-83Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
96×64 pixels
28 kB (28 kB)
No image availableTI-92 IIGraphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
240×120 pixels
128 kB (128 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-83 PlusTI-83 PlusGraphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
96×64 pixels
28 kB (28 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-92 PlusTI-92 PlusGraphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
240×128 pixels
188 kB (188 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Silver EditionTI-83 Plus Silver EditionGraphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
96×64 pixels
28 kB (24 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments Voyage 200Voyage 200Graphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
240×128 pixels
192 kB (192 kB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-84 PlusTI-84 PlusGraphing calculatorMultipleLCD
96×64 pixels
24 kB ( )
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Silver EditionTI-84 Plus Silver EditionGraphing calculatorMultipleLCD
96×64 pixels
24 kB ( )
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-89 TitaniumTI-89 TitaniumGraphing calculatorBASICLCD
160 × 100 pixels
256 kB ( )
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-NspireTI-NspireGraphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
320×240 pixels
32 MB (32 MB)
Graphing calculator: Texas Instruments TI-Nspire TouchpadTI-Nspire TouchpadGraphing calculatorFormula programmingLCD
320×240 pixels
32 MB (32 MB)
55 item(s) in this list.

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3 Responses so far

This isn't a comment, just a quick question. I've got a TI flight caculator (avstar) and the screen took a dump.....not a good thing in flight! Anyway, I replaced the batteries, but no luck. I'm thinking it may be a screen/window problem? Do you know anyone or any place I might send it to to get it repaired? At this point I'm willing to try anything. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks Tom M.
Tom Michaels
May 25th, 2010
Hello Ahmed,

Thank you for commenting on http://calculators.torensma.net
Unfortunately I do not have the specification of all 700 calculators in my head, so I am unable to tell you which TI compares to then Casio fx-880. Please feel free to compare calculators on my site any time!

Thanks again and good luck.

Kind regards
June 9th, 2009
Hello One, Good day.

I have questions, i want to know which model of TI has similar functionality compare to CasioFX-880P ?

2nd, Casio has FX-810P, which in TI brand has similar models/features ?

Pls email us to cooperate. Thanks again.
Ahmed Sharif
June 9th, 2009